Other Ways to Give

While there are many ways to support the ministry of St John’s through volunteering time and talent, our ministry also requires financial resources. Our budget covers staff costs, utilities, worship and education program costs, and outreach.  Your generous donation will ensure that St John’s can continue to provide ministry to our parishioners and community through worship, study, fellowship, and outreach. As St John’s is a registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency, we issue tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more. Receipts are issued in early February for all donations made in the previous calendar year, with the exception of donations made through Canada Helps, which receive an electronic receipt as soon as the donation is made.


Donors can set up monthly donations to St John’s either by debiting their bank account directly or charging the donation to a credit card.  The advantages to this means of giving is that you don’t have to remember to make your regular donation and the church has a stable and predictable source of income.  You can set up pre-authorised giving or change your monthly amount at any time by contacting the church office (email or 705-745-7624.)


If you use online banking, you can send an e-transfer to St John’s at this email addressThe advantage of this form of giving is that there are no fees* for either the donor or the church and it requires nothing more than an online transaction, saving cheques, envelopes, stamps, and time.  If you send an e-transfer, please also send a separate email with your full name, mailing address, and the password you used in the e-transfer.
* Most bank account plans allow for e-transfers as part of the plan.  Be sure to check if there is a fee on your plan for sending e-transfers.  If there is, it is usually minimal.


Donations by cash or cheque are always gratefully received.  They can be dropped off in person at the office or mailed to the church (99 Brock St, Peterborough ON  K9H 2P2).  Cheques should be made out to St John’s Anglican Church.


Members of the parish have access to boxes of envelopes with each Sunday and holy day’s date pre-printed on the envelope.  Each envelope donor is assigned a number for confidentiality and a tally is kept by the counters each week of how much each donor gave.  Envelopes are placed on the offering plate during the worship service.  Donations may be made by cash or cheque.  Envelopes can be requested from the church office.


Canada Helps is an online giving portal for Canadian charities that allows donors to make one-time or monthly donations using a credit card or PayPal.  It is possible to specify on the donation page where you would like your donation to be applied.  Click here to donate now


There are many types of legacy gifts.  The advantage of gift planning in this way is that it generally requires no outlay of cash by the donor.  Some gift planning vehicles will benefit the Church now, giving an immediate tax credit to the donor.  Others will benefit the Church later, with a tax credit accruing to the donor’s estate.   Some of the options for legacy or planned giving are:  a bequest in your Will, life insurance, gift annuities, trusts and gifts of residual interest, and gifts of marketable securities (stocks).  For more information, please contact the church office (email or 705-745-7624).

Stay Connected

St John's is a busy parish! We have multiple worship services every week (details are in the section just above this one) and our various worship, fellowship, and education ministries always have something on the go.

News and upcoming events can be found at either our Facebook page or by signing up for "The Online Grapevine", our parish email newsletter that comes out every Friday morning:

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