Parish Life

“I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10

Ministries in Parish Life provide for:

  • Pastoral care to the sick, shut-in, and bereaved;
  • Pastoral and spiritual counselling;
  • Hospitality and catering;
  • Fellowship and refreshments;
  • Parish fundraisers and social events;
  • Evangelism and faith formation; and,
  • Parish governance and administration.

Pastoral Care

Listening and prayer support is provided by both the clergy and a specially-trained team of lay pastoral visitors.  They make visits by phone and in person and take Holy Communion to the sick, infirm, and bereaved in hospital, retirement homes, or at home.  If you or a loved one are in hospital, sick, or dying, and you would like pastoral care, please contact the church office or clergy to ensure that your need is known.  In the past, the hospital would provide a list of all Anglicans but due to privacy laws that is no longer the case.  St John’s also has an email prayer chain whose members confidentially pray for anyone who asks for prayer.  To be added to the prayer chain, please email (LINK:  You may also request that your name be placed on the prayer list which is used in the offering of the Prayers of the People on Sundays and Wednesdays.  (Note:  the Prayer Chain is confidential; the Prayer List is public.)

Pastoral and Spiritual Counselling

Guidance through phone calls and in-person appointments is provided by the clergy.  Counselling by the clergy is not a replacement for professional counselling provided by a registered therapist in areas of mental health, grief, and relationships, but may help to relieve spiritual distress and provide guidance as to the best area of therapy to pursue.

Hospitality Committee

The hospitality committee provides food and refreshment for funeral receptions held in the Guild Hall and for some other parish events at a reasonable rate.  Contact the church office for information.

Fellowship and Refreshments

Coffee Hours on Sundays and Wednesdays are hosted by the Fellowship Teams.  Two or three people prepare and serve the coffee, tea, and juice after worship services.  Most hosts also bring home-made cookies, muffins, etc, although there is always a supply of store-bought cookies and crackers in the kitchen.  The fellowship hosts set out the cups etc needed for coffee hour and then do the washing up afterwards.  To join a team, please contact the church office.

Parish Fundraisers and Social Events

Throughout the year the parish hosts suppers, tea parties, and other events that are open to parishioners and the public.  Some are fundraisers for particular projects or programs, such as the Choral Scholars Dinner and Concert, and others are purely social to help parishioners get to know one another better, such as the annual Parish Picnic.  There are also several groups that provide social opportunities for their members, such as St Margaret’s Guild and the Men’s Group.

Evangelism and Faith Formation

St John’s has a robust program of programs and studies to assist people in the formation of their faith and for Christian Education.  Details on upcoming studies, which include books with Christian themes, books of the Bible, and other thematic studies, may be found on the Upcoming Events page or in the Grapevine.

Parish Governance and Administration

An organisation as large and active as St John’s requires leadership and oversight of personnel, finances, and property.  The Corporation, comprised of the Rector and Churchwardens, meets on a monthly basis, as does the Finance Committee.  The Parish Advisory Board meets every other month after worship on a Sunday.  The Property Committee tends to the care of the buildings and grounds around the church and makes recommendations for professional work when needed (i.e. roofing, masonry, plumbing, electrical, etc).  If you are interested in any of these ministries, please contact the Rector.

Stay Connected

St John's is a busy parish! We have multiple worship services every week (details are in the section just above this one) and our various worship, fellowship, and education ministries always have something on the go.

News and upcoming events can be found at either our Facebook page or by signing up for "The Online Grapevine", our parish email newsletter that comes out every Friday morning:

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