
“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”

Psalm 100:2

The Worship and Music ministry provides for:

  • a warm and inviting Nave (church), Chapel, and Guild Hall for worship on Sundays and Wednesdays and holy days throughout the year, and for weddings, funerals, and other special celebrations and occasions;
  • the Director of Music and other music leaders;
  • new music, special musicians, and a choral scholar program;
  • worship supplies, and maintenance of robes, vestments, and altar cloths;
  • the Server’s Guild; Chancel Guild, church flowers, and decorations;
  • lay worship involvement in a variety of ministries (below);
  • time for the preparation of liturgy and sermons;
  • visiting clergy and guest speakers; and,
  • special services (e.g. Christmas, Easter) Baptisms, weddings, funerals.

Bellringers’ Guild

Every Sunday and on special occasions, the bellringers provide a public announcement of worship.  Volunteers with an ability to read music and climb the ladder to the bell tower are always welcome.  Contact John Earnshaw (295-4501) for more information.

Chalice Administrators

Lay volunteers administer the wine during Communion.  Contact the Rector for more information.

Chancel Guild

Members of the Chancel Guild ensure that everything necessary for worship, including candles, bread and wine, sacred vessels, and other items are prepared and set out for every service.  Members work in teams about 6 times per year and are appointed by the clergy.


The choir provides choral music at all sung services between September and May.  Practices are held weekly on Thursday evenings.  Anyone with a good singing voice is always welcome. Contact the Director of Music (705-745-7624) for more information.


There are six teams who take turns greeting worshippers as they enter the church for worship, present the bread and wine during the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Celebration, and collecting the offering, and acting as ushers during Communion.  The teams are scheduled by the Parish Administrator.


Volunteers lead the Prayers of the People at most of the services using a litany format where the intercessor offers a petition for a particular need (prayers for the church, the world, the sick and dying, ourselves, etc), then calls the congregation to respond with a refrain.  Contact the Rector for more information.


Lay volunteers proclaim the Bible readings during worship.  Lectors should be able to read and project their voice well.  Contact the office for more information.

Servers’ Guild

The Guild provides servers, crucifers, candle bearers and sacrists for the Sunday and major weekday services.  At St. John’s, servers are usually younger people who attend regularly.  The normal starting age is about 9.  Contact Ian Storey, Head Server (748-9827), for more information.

Stay Connected

St John's is a busy parish! We have multiple worship services every week (details are in the section just above this one) and our various worship, fellowship, and education ministries always have something on the go.

News and upcoming events can be found at either our Facebook page or by signing up for "The Online Grapevine", our parish email newsletter that comes out every Friday morning:

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