
Refereed Presentations at Academic Conferences


Facilitators and Barriers to Culturally Inclusive Long-term Care Menu Planning
International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics, June 13, 2024 (Research Podium Presentation)
Syed S, Skinner K, Harvie R, Keller H

Re-imagining food literacy for an urban Indigenous context within Canada
19th International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics, Toronto, ON (poster)
Peach L, Skene D, Skinner K, Neufeld H

Lessons from scaling-up Learning Circles to support Indigenous food systems
International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics, Toronto, ON (poster)
Domingo A, Yessis J, Charles K-A, Skinner K, Hanning R

Enhancing quality of care for persons living with dementia in rural and northern through sustainable implementation of technology to support aging
CAHSPER Conference 2024, Ottawa, ON (oral)
Freeman S, Sousa S, Banner-Lukaris D, Skinner K

Breaking down silos and (mis)conceptions: Engaging instructors and staff in Universal Design for Learning approaches
University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON (oral)
Potwarka M, Foster L, Chow N, Rafferty Z, Dolmage J, Skinner K, Zaza C

The Coach’s Corner: Navigating the World of Student Evaluation Case Coaching
Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Fredericton, NB (panel)
Sousa S, Brennan E, Bourgeois I, Snow B, Yessis J, Skinner K

Co-creating program theory: Lessons from a community-based evaluation for urban Indigenous land-based initiatives
Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Fredericton, NB (oral)
Peach L, Neufeld H, Skinner K

Community Engagement for Arctic Community-Based Research: Evaluating the Role of Community Freezers for Food Security in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NWT
Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Fredericton, NB (oral)
Yurris A, Ostertag S, Skinner K

Uplifting internal and external voices: building evaluation capacity for the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Transition Mentorship Program
Research and Practice in Health Sciences Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON (poster)
Kaminska K, Sousa S, Lawrence K, Rashleigh L, DasGupta T, Skinner K

Examining the process, outcomes and impacts of knowledge mobilization (KMb) initiatives in food sovereignty and climate change research in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), NWT
Research and Practice in Health Sciences Conference, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON (poster)
Morton Ninomiya M, Skinner K

Examining the outcomes and impacts of knowledge mobilization (KMb) initiatives in food sovereignty and climate change research in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Student Climate Con 2024, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON (poster)
Morton Ninomiya M, Skinner K

Inuvialuit Food Messages Survey: Community concerns and communication preferences
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Ostertag S, Zhao K, Ramirez M, Pokiak V, Wolki D, Wolki C, Arey S, Gruben M, Memogana S, Lucas S, Kalinek M, Laird B, Skinner K

Country Foods in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NWT: Understanding Student Preferences
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Sallans A, Wesche S, Ostertag S, Skinner K, Wolki C, Kenny T-A

Elder and Youth Perspectives of Country Foods in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Ramirez Prieto M, Ostertag S, Skinner K, Rogers M, Arey S, Noksana K, Sayers A, Wolki D, Green K, Memogana S, Lucas S

Country Food Profiles for The Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Cowan A, Gruben R, Lester A, Wolki D, Harry J, Lucas S, Arey S, Memogana S, Kalinek M, Swanson H, Stark K, Skinner K, Laird B, Ostertag S

Human Biomonitoring of Dioxin-like PCBs in Blood Plasma from Old Crow, Yukon, Canada (2019)
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Simpson A, Drysdale M, Gamberg M, Froese K, Brammer J, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird B

Levels And Determinants of Lipid-Adjusted Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Northern Canada
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Gevaert V, Laird B, Ratelle M, Drysdale M, Skinner K

Plastics and associated risks in northern-nesting birds sampled in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Gurney K, Provencher J, Lu Z, Laird B, Skinner K

Investigating environmental sources of lead exposure in the Sahtú Settlement Area, Northwest Territories
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Gurney K, Masuzumi D, Jackson D, Comte J, Laird B, Ratelle M, Skinner K

Contaminant and nutrient relationships: considerations and implications of Lead in food systems of the Sahtú, Northwest Territories
Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop, Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Lazarescu C, Ratelle M, Melo L, Lamers Y, Laird B, Skinner K


Enhancing Dementia Care in Rural Communities: Insights from AgeTech Implementation in Northern British Columbia
AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, ON (poster)
Sousa S, Freeman S, Banner D, Skinner K

AgeTech Implementation in Rural Dementia Care: Barriers, Facilitators, and Community Engagement in Northern Canada
2023 Northern BC Research and Quality Conference, University of Northern BC, Prince George, BC (poster)
Sousa S, Freeman S, Banner D, Skinner K

Effects of implementing AgeTech to support dementia care in a rural and northern setting
Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA (oral)
Freeman S, Banner-Lukaris D, Skinner K, Sousa S

The DREAM Toolkit: Co-Developed Training and Resources to Promote Wellbeing of Persons with Dementia
Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA (oral)
Middleton L, Freeman S, Pelletier C, Skinner K, Regan K, Donnelly R, Keller H, and DREAM Research Team

Healthy eating, mealtimes and dementia: Co-creating tools and resources to support access, inclusion, and action
CAG Symposium, Canadian Association on Gerontology, Toronto, ON (symposium)
Keller H, Donnelly R, Wei C, Dakkak H, Skinner K, Pelletier C, Freeman S, Regan K, Middleton L

Learnings from the Implementation of AgeTech to Support Dementia Care in a Rural and Northern Community in Canada
Canadian Association on Gerontology, Toronto, ON (oral)
Sousa S, Freeman S, Banner-Lukaris D, Skinner K

Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion (DREAM) project: Lessons Learned for Advancement of Dementia-Inclusive Initiatives
Canadian Association on Gerontology, Toronto, ON (symposium)
Middleton L, Freeman S, Pelletier C, Regan K, Donnelly R, Skinner K, Wei C, Keller H, and The DREAM Research Team

The DREAM Project: Co-creating physical activity tools and resources to support access, inclusion, and action for persons living with dementia
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) conference, Calgary, Alberta (oral)
Middleton L, Freeman S, Pelletier C, Regan K, Donnelly R, Skinner K, Wei C, Rossnagel E, Nasir HJ, Keller H, and The DREAM Research Team

Arsenic speciation in freshwater fish: A systematic review with implications for monitoring and research
Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop, Ottawa, ON (poster)
Lepage AT, Lescord GL, Laird B, Skinner K, Gunn JM

Nutrition, food security, health and aging within northern Canada.

Skinner K. 

Kitimat Valley

Housing Society Dementia Workshop, Kitimat, Canada, March 14-15, 2023. (Oral-Virtual). 

Evaluating the impact of urban land-based food education for Indigenous children and youth in Southwestern Ontario, Canada: A community-based study protocol.

American Society of Nutrition Conference, Boston, MA, USA, July 22-25, 2023.(oral and poster)

Peach L, Skene D, Kuzmich M, Keedwell S, Skinner K, Neufeld H.

Striving towards culturally inclusive menu planning in long-term care: perspectives of dietitians and food service managers.

Canadian Nutrition Society conference, Quebec City, QC, May 4-6, 2023.

Syed S, Keller H, Skinner K, Carrier N, Harvie R.

A relational approach towards decolonizing curriculum development within the colonial postsecondary institution.

4th Annual University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON, May 4, 2023.

van Katwyk T, Skinner K, Neufeld H, Laurila K, Daley A, Chomyc J

My wellbeing matters to your wellbeing: how UDL fosters caring learning environments for instructors and students.

14th Annual University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON, May 4, 2023.

Watkins J, Potwarka M, Sousa S, Skinner K, Dolmage J, Zaza C, Holmes T.

Community food security and wellbeing: Evaluation of the Nutrition North Canada cooking circle program in Paulatuk, NWT.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Quebec City, QC, June 19-21, 2023.

Dedyukina L*, Wolki C, Wesche S, Skinner K.

Evaluating the impact of participation in school-based physical education lessons on physical activity levels among adolescents in Canada.

ISBNPA 2023, Sweden, June 14-17, 2023.

Buchan C*, Richmond S, Skinner K, Leatherdale S

Identifying latent classes of physical activity behaviours over time among adolescents in Canada.

ISBNPA 2023, Sweden, June 14-17, 2023.

Buchan C*, Richmond S, Skinner K, Leatherdale S

Arsenic speciation in freshwater fish: A systematic review with implications for monitoring and research.

 Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences Conference, Montreal, QC, February 22-25, 2023.

Lepage AT*, Lescord GL, Tavakoli C*, Laird B, Skinner K, Gunn JM.


Country Foods in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NWT: Understanding Child and Youth Preferences.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (poster)

Sallans A, Wesche S, Ostertag S, Skinner K, Wolki C.

Country food profiles for Paulatuk & Tuktoyaktuk based on chemical analysis & co-interpretation of results.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (poster)

Ostertag S, Skinner K, Gruben R, Wolki D, Torng A, Loseto L, Dunmall K, Lea E, Baryluk S, Cowan A*, Laird B.

Knowledge co-production in food systems and health research: A case study from the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canada.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (oral)

Ostertag S, Skinner K, Pokiak V, Wolki C, Gruben R, Torng A, Ramirez M*, Gyapay J*, Laird B.

Community food security and wellbeing: Evaluation of the Nutrition North Canada cooking circle program in Paulatuk, NWT.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (oral)

Dedyukina L*, Wolki C, Wesche S, Skinner K.

Supporting Inuvialuit research capacity during COVID: Methods and experiences from virtual community researcher training in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (oral)

Gyapay J*, Noksana K*, Ostertag S, Skinner K.

Food security and nutrition biomarker assessment in the Sahtú region, Canada: Traditional foods to improve resiliency in the face of climate change.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (poster)

Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird B, Simmons D.

Investigating environmental sources of lead exposure in the Sahtú Settlement Area, Northwest Territories.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (poster)

Gurney K, Masuzumi D, Jackson D, Comte J, Laird B, Ratelle M, Skinner K.

Food programs in Indigenous Communities within Northern Canada: A Scoping Review.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (poster)

Ramirez Prieto M*, Sallans A*, Wesche S, Ostertag S, Kenny T-A, Skinner K.

Contaminant and nutrient relationships: considerations and implications of Lead in food systems of the Sahtú, Northwest Territories.

ArcticNet 2022, Toronto, December 5-8, 2022. (poster)

Lazarescu C*, Ratelle M, Melo L, Lamers Y, Laird B, Skinner K.

Analysis of arsenic speciation and total mercury levels in fish from the Mushkegowuk Territory.

Global Water Futures Operations Team Meeting, Waterloo, November 23-24, 2022.

Tavakoli C*, Laird B, Skinner K, Swanson H.

Exposure Assessment in the Subarctic: Lead in the Sahtú, Northwest Territories, Canada.

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 43rd American Meeting, November 16, 2022. (poster)

Lazarescu C*, Ratelle M, Melo L, Lamers Y, Skinner K, Laird B.

Shifting the culture of COPD care provision: a community-led approach to COPD care and management in rural and northern BC.

Canadian Association on Gerontology, Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Regina, SK, October 20-22, 2022. (poster)

Freeman S, Meyer A, Skinner K, Peach L*.

Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion (DREAM): Key adaptations resulting from pilot test and co-design processes.

Canadian Association on Gerontology, Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Regina, SK, October 20-22, 2022. (poster)

Donnelly R, Regan K, Nasir H, Buchan C*, Butler A*, Doggett A*, Romano I*, Keller H, Skinner K, Freeman S, Pelletier C, Somani S, Aird C, Agboji A, Middleton L, and the DREAM Steering Team.

A usability evaluation of the Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion (DREAM) pilot project.

Canadian Association on Gerontology, Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Regina, SK, October 20-22, 2022. (poster)

Romano I*, Butler A*, Doggett A*, Buchan C*, Nasir H, Regan K, Donnelly R, Somani S, Aird C, Agboji A, Freeman S, Pelletier C, Skinner K, Keller H, Middleton L.

Levels and determinants of lipid-adjusted polychlorinated biphenyls in Northern Canada.

2022 ISES Annual Meeting: International Society for Exposure Science. Lisbon, Portugal, September 25-30, 2022. (poster)

Gevaert V*, Laird BD, Ratelle M, Drysdale M*, Skinner K.

The White Owl Food Share Program: Evaluation of an Urban Indigenous Food Initiative in Southwestern Ontario.

Canadian Public Health Association Conference: Public Health 2022, virtual, June 14-16, 2022. (poster and oral)

Peach L*, Neufeld HT, Skene D, Skinner K.

Challenges in Measuring Knowledge Uptake and Utilization (KUUT): An Example from Drug Safety and Effectiveness Studies (CNODES) During the Pandemic.

Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum, virtual, June 13-17, 2022. (poster – most visited poster at the conference)

Sketris I, Bhawra J, Freier A, Rodney-Cail N, Yip AM, Skinner K.

Determinants of Exposure for Lead, Cobalt, Manganese, and Hexachlorobenzene in Northern Canada.

GWF 2022: Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 16-18, 2022. (oral)

Drysdale M*, Laird B, Skinner K, Ratelle M, Majowicz S, Brammar J, Gamberg M. (2022). Determinants of Exposure for Lead, Cobalt, Manganese, and Hexachlorobenzene in Northern Canada.  

Drinking water perception and consumption in sub-arctic Indigenous communities in the Northwest Territories and Yukon.

GWF 2022: Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 16-18, 2022. (oral)

Ratelle M, Andrew L, Skinner K, Laird B, Yakeleya J, Spring A, Simmons D, Scully A, Baltzer J.

Lipid Adjusted Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels in Arctic and Subarctic Regions in Canada.

GWF 2022: Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 16-18, 2022. (poster)

Gevaert V*, Laird B, Drysdale M*, Ratelle M, Skinner K.

Contaminant Exposure and Levels of Lead in Northern Regions of Canada.

GWF 2022: Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 16-18, 2022. (poster)

Lazarescu C*, Drysdale M, Ratelle M*, Skinner K, Laird B.

Using network analysis to assess university-wide collaboration for health promoting universities.

24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, May 15-19, 2022. (oral)

Potwarka M*, Hegge S*, McCorriston J*, Skinner K.

A Collective approach of the Waterloo School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS) Anti-Racism Task Force to promote health.

International Health Promoting Campuses Symposium, virtual, May 12, 2022. (oral)

Skinner K and the SPHS Anti-Racism Task Force.

Exploring Routes of Exposure to Lead in the Sahtú, Northwest Territories, Canada.

Young Environmental Scientists (YES) Meeting, March 7-9, 2022. (poster)

Lazarescu C*, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird B.

Improving chronic disease care in northern BC: A case of quality improvement through implementation and sustainability of the COPD Program in Fort St. James.

BC Quality Forum, March 1-3, 2022. (oral)

Meyer A, Freeman S, Skinner K, Peach L.

An evaluation of the COPD program in Fort St. James.

2021 Northern BC Research and Quality Conference, December 7-9, 2021. (oral)

Meyer A, Freeman S, Skinner K, Peach L.


Community food security and wellbeing: Evaluation of the Nutrition North Canada cooking circle program in Paulatuk, NWT.

ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting 2021, December 6-10, 2021. (poster)

Dedyukina L*, Wolki C, Wesche S, Skinner K. (2021).

Examining Relationships between Lead Exposure and Nutrient Intake in the Sahtú, Northwest Territories.

Society of Toxicology of Canada52nd Annual Symposium, November 29-December 3, 2021. (poster)

Lazarescu C*, Skinner K, Ratelle M, Laird B.

How do you train a community researcher remotely during a pandemic? Methods and lessons learned from a participatory dietary messaging study in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories.

ACUNS Student Conference, November 3-5, 2021. (oral)

Gyapay J*, Noksana K, Ostertag S, Skinner K.

Key resource recommendations resulting from the co-design process for Dementia resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion (DREAM).

Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, October 20-23, 2021. (oral)

Regan K, Donnelly R, Dakkak H, Keller H, Pelletier C, Freeman S, Skinner K, Middleton, L.

Adult Human Biomonitoring Results in Old Crow, YT.

Northern Contaminants Program Scientific Meeting, CIRNAC, October 19-21, 2021. (poster)

Drysdale M*, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Garcia-Barrios J*, Gamberg M, Williams M, Majowicz S, Bouchard M, Stark K, Chalil D, Laird B.

Preliminary Study: Investigating Lead Exposure in Northern Canada and the Sahtú region, NWT.

Northern Contaminants Program Scientific Meeting, CIRNAC, October 19-21, 2021. (poster)

Skinner K, Ratelle M, Gurney K, Laird B, Comte J, Stalwick J, Lazarescu C*.

Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels in the Sahtύ and Dehcho Regions of the Northwest Territories.

 GWF 2021: Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 17-19, 2021. (poster)

Gevaert V, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird B.

Water and water-based beverage perception and consumption in Canadian sub-arctic Indigenous communities and the importance for public health.

GWF 2021: Global Water Futures Annual Open Science Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 17-19, 2021. (poster)

Ratelle M, Spring A, Laird B, Scully A, Simmons D, Andrew L, Skinner K.

Stakeholder Viewpoints and Settler-Colonial Narratives Impacting Access to Wild Foods for Indigenous Women in Urban Northwestern Ontario.

“Just Food: Because It Is Never Just Food” conference organized by the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), the Agriculture, Food, & Human Values Society (AFHVS), the Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS), and the Society for Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN), Online, June 9-15, 2021. (oral)

Phillipps B*, Skinner K, Parker B.

Interrogating Place and Urbanicity in Access to Indigenous Foods and Food Sovereignty in Urban Northwestern Ontario.

“Just Food: Because It Is Never Just Food” conference organized by the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), the Agriculture, Food, & Human Values Society (AFHVS), the Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS), and the Society for Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN), Online, June 9-15, 2021. (oral)

Phillipps B*, Skinner K, Parker B.

You can settle here”: immobility aspirations and capabilities among youth from rural Honduras.

Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID) Conference, Online, June 2-4, 2021. (oral)

Wyngaarden S*, Humphries S, Skinner K, Lobo Tosta E, Zelaya Portillo V, Orellana P, Dodd W.


Exploring the Development and Dissemination of Health Messaging for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Northwest Territories.

ArcticChange 2020 virtual conference, December 7-10, 2020. (oral)

Gyapay J*, Ostertag S, Laird B, Torng A, MacLean J, Skinner K.

Sharing Knowledge about Inuvialuit Foods: Co-developing food profiles and communication materials to support healthy food choices.

ArcticChange 2020 virtual conference, December 7-10, 2020. (poster)

Ostertag S, Kenny T, Gruben R, Napenas J*, Torng A, Skinner K, Laird B.

A critical discourse analysis of the policies regarding wild food in the Northwest Territories.

ArcticChange 2020 virtual conference, December 7-10, 2020. (poster)

Judge C*, Skinner K, Spring A. (2020).

Cultivation and Contemplation: Opportunities and Challenges to Growing Food in the NWT.

ArcticChange 2020 virtual conference, December 7-10, 2020. (oral)

Snider E, Spring A, LeMay A, Bysouth D*, Radcliffe J*, Turetsky M, Judge C*, Skinner K.

Estimating the Impact of Freshwater Fish Harvest Location on Mercury Exposures in Dene Communities of the Northwest Territories.

International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) virtual meeting, September 20-24, 2020. (poster)

Packull-McCormick S*, Swanson H, Skinner K, Laird B.

Building resilient and sustainable northern food systems: Research, knowledge, policy and action.

Arctic Change 2020 Conference Session, Toronto, ON, December 7-10, 2020. (session)

Wesche S, Skinner K, Spring A, Furgal C. (Co-Chairs).

Country Foods and Health Promotion in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NT.

Global Water Futures Science Meeting, Waterloo, ON, June 15, 2020. (poster)

Ostertag S, Gyapay J*, Skinner K, Ratelle M, Laird B.

Water Knowledge Camps: Building Capacity for Cross-Cultural Water Knowledge, Research, and Environmental Monitoring.

Global Water Futures Science Meeting, Waterloo, ON, June 15, 2020. (poster) 

Dimock C*, Skinner K, Scully L, Simmons D, Andrew L, Ratelle M, Spring A, Baltzer J.

Awenen Niin (Who Am I)? Indigenous Peoples, Personal Identification, and Settler Colonialism in Northwestern Ontario.

Canadian Sociological Association Conference/ CONGRESS, Western University, London, ON, June 1-4, 2020. (oral)

DeGagne C*, Burnett K, Sanders C, Skinner K.

An exploratory study of the urban Indigenous food landscape in northwestern Ontario, Canada.

CAFS/CONGRESS, Western University, London, ON, May 31-June 3, 2020. (oral)

Phillipps B*, Skinner K, Burnett K, Parker B.

Knowledge translation and dissemination: the end of the research and evaluation cycle – or is it? Evaluation of knowledge uptake and utilization.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Ottawa, ON, May 8-12, 2021. (workshop)

Skinner K, Bhawra J*, Montague S.

How useful is this, anyway? A tool to measure knowledge uptake and utilization for everything from organizational reports to knowledge translation processes.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Ottawa, ON, May 8-12, 2021. (leading edge panel)

Skinner K, Bhawra J*, Montague S, Kalt S.

Teaching evaluation: Innovative approaches to evaluation competency development.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Ottawa, ON, May 8-12, 2021. (leading edge panel)

Shepherd R, Hurteau M, Aubry T, Lovato C, Rowe W, Lawson K, Skinner K, McDavid J.

The use of evaluability assessments in improving future evaluations.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Ottawa, ON, May 8-12, 2021. (poster)

Lam S*, Skinner K.

Health2Work: An Innovative Partnership with CHCs, Chiropractors and The Region of Waterloo Ontario Works Program.

2020 Alliance for Healthier Communities Conference, Markham, ON, June 10 & 11, 2020. (poster)

Davidson B, Harrington M, Nash J, Phillips P, Mank P, Pearson M, Hornblower A, Placido S, Brown A, Sully E, Skinner K, Pratley E.

When long-term efforts facilitate short-term successes: lessons from 18 years of youth-targeted programming in rural Honduras.

Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID), London, ON, June 2-4, 2020. (oral)

Wyngaarden S*, Dodd W, Humphries S, Skinner K, Lobo Tosta E, Zelaya Portillo V, Orellana P.

Connecting Climate and Food: Navigating Nursing Identity and Role in Addressing Today’s Environmental Challenges.

CHNC2020: Community Health Nursing Now! Vancouver, BC, May 25-27, 2020. (oral)

Radcliffe J*, Skinner K, Dodd W.

An exploratory study of the urban Indigenous food landscape in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Native

American Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) 2020, University of Toronto, Tkaronto, May 7-9, 2020. (oral)

Skinner K, Burnett K, Parker B, Phillipps B*.


Demographic Profile of People Accessing Personal Identification Services in Northwestern Ontario, 2018-2019: A Social Determinants of Health Exploration.

Centre for Applied Health Research: Showcase of Health Research, Thunder Bay, ON, February 7, 2020. (oral)

Cottrell-Martin E, Burnett K, Sanders C, Skinner K.

Learning from and enhancing Community Capacity for Climate Change and Food Security (C4FS) action in the NWT.

ArcticNet Conference, Halifax, NS, December 2-5, 2019. (poster)

Skinner K, Spring A, Wesche S, and the C4FS Team.

Country Food Processing Training: An on-site initiative in Northern Indigenous Communities.

ArcticNet Conference, Halifax, NS, December 2-5, 2019. (oral)

Judge C, Renecker L, Spring A, Skinner K, Macrae K.

Development and evaluation of a consistent rating tool for knowledge uptake and use: The Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool (KUUT).

American Evaluation Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, November 11-16, 2019. (oral)

Skinner K, Bhawra J.

Learning from gender-responsive evaluation to inform climate-responsive evaluation

2019 IDEAS Global Assembly & Third International Conference on Evaluating Environment and Development, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-4 October 2019. (poster)

Lam S, Skinner K.

From the ‘Indian Hospital’ to Meno Ya Win: Colonial Histories of Healthcare in Northwestern Ontario.

7th Manitoba-[Northwest] Ontario-Minnesota-Saskatchewan (MOMS) History of Medicine Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, September 27-28, 2019. (oral)

Burnett K, Hay T, Skinner K, Parker B.

Health and Risk Communication of Contaminants in the Dehcho and Sahtú Regions of the Northwest Territories, Canada.

14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019. (poster)

Skinner K, Ratelle M, Brandow D, Laird B.

The response of the Dehcho First Nations (Canada) following fish consumption notices release and increased mercury levels measured in environmental data.

14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019. (oral)

Low M, Norwegian G, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Swanson H, Laird B.

Mercury human biomonitoring data from the Northwest Territories (Canada): from the Northern Contaminants Program to Arctic Monitoring Assessment Program.

14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Krakow, Poland, September 8-13, 2019. (oral)

Ratelle M, Packull-McCormick S, Skinner K, Swanson H, Laird B.

A comparative policy analysis of wild food policies across Ontario, Northwest Territories, and Yukon Territory.

International Conference on Public Policy, Montreal, QC, June 26-28, 2019. (oral)

Skinner K, Judge C.

How is gender being addressed in the international development literature? A meta-evaluation.

Canadian Evaluation Society conference, Halifax, May 26-29, 2019. (poster) (1st PLACE POSTER AWARD)

Lam S, Dodd W, Whynot J, Skinner K.

Considering climate change in all evaluations: an assessment of UN food security efforts.

Canadian Evaluation Society conference, Halifax, May 26-29, 2019. (poster) (PEOPLE’S CHOICE POSTER AWARD)

Lam S, Dodd W, Berrang-Ford L, Ford J, Skinner K, Papadopoulos A, The IHACC Team, Harper S.

Development and evaluation of a consistent rating tool for knowledge uptake and use.

Performance and Planning Exchange Symposium, Ottawa, ON, May 14-16, 2019. (oral)

Skinner K, Bhawra J, Montague S.

Are we assessing for gender equity outcomes in international development evaluation?

Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD) Conference, Washington, USA, May 5-8, 2019. (poster)

Lam S, Dodd W, Whynot J, Skinner K.

Considering gender equity outcomes in international development evaluation.

Eastern Evaluation Research Society Conference 2019, Galloway, NJ, USA, May 5-7, 2019. (oral)

Lam S, Dodd W, Whynot J, Skinner K.

Towards gender-transformative changes: the role of collaborative evaluation and integration knowledge translation.

Canadian Public Health Association Conference, Ottawa, Canada, April 30-May 2, 2019. (oral)

Lam S, Dodd W, Whynot J, Skinner K.

How is gender being addressed in the international development literature? A meta-evaluation.

Women and gender in Development Conference, Virginia, USA, February 28-March 1, 2019. (poster)

Lam S, Dodd W, Whynot J, Skinner K.

Supporting northern food systems: Identifying and addressing needs and challenges.

Food Secure Canada Assembly, Montreal, November 1-4, 2018. (session)

Wesche S, Skinner K, Spring A, Fillion M.

Indigenous community-based monitoring of food security in a changing climate: Global trends and future directions.

EcoHealth Conference, Cali, Colombia, August 15-18, 2018. (poster)
Lam S, Dodd W, Zivot C, Skinner K, Papadopoulos A, IHACC Research Team, Harper S.

Country Food Contaminant Advisories: Assessing Awareness and Preferences of Health and Risk Communication Messages in the Sahtú Region, NWT, Canada.

17th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 12-15, 2018. (poster)

Brandow D, Skinner K, Simmons D, Andrew L, Bezha W, Laird B.

Community-based Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories, Canada.

Tribal Environmental Health Summit, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, June 25-26, 2018. (poster) (BEST POSTER AWARD)

Ratelle M, Skinner K, Swanson H, Laird B.

Chronic Kidney Disease, Dietary Restrictions and the Limitations of Food Access in Northern Communities.

Indigenous Health Conference, Toronto, May 25-26, 2018. (poster)

Dimock C, Skinner K, Burnett K, Freill H.

Country Food Contaminant Advisories: Assessing Awareness and Preferences of Health and Risk Communication Messages in the Sahtú Region, NWT. 

Indigenous Health Conference, Toronto, May 25-26, 2018. (poster)

Brandow D, Skinner K, Laird B.

The Ontario school nutrition policy: Using concept mapping to guide co-creation of an evaluation agenda.

Canadian Public Health Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec, May 28-31, 2018. (oral)

Vine MM, Leatherdale ST, Hanning R, Skinner K, Elliott SJ, Bassett-Gunter R, Laxer R, Brown K, Butler A, Godin KM, Valaitis R, Patte KA.

The Ontario school nutrition policy: Using concept mapping to guide co-creation of an evaluation agenda.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Calgary, Alberta, May 26-29, 2018. (oral)

Vine MM, Leatherdale ST, Hanning R, Skinner K, Elliott SJ, Bassett-Gunter R, Laxer R, Brown K, Butler A, Godin KM, Valaitis R, Patte KA.

Evaluating Knowledge Translation – Improving a Tool for Measuring Knowledge Uptake and Use.

Canadian Evaluation Society Conference, Calgary, May 26-29, 2018. (panel)

Skinner K, Montague S, Steinberg M, Boudrias G.

The Community Food Environment and Food Insecurity in Sioux Lookout, Ontario: Understanding the Relationships between Food, Health and Place.

Canadian Association for Food Studies, CONGRESS, Regina, May 26-28, 2018. (oral)

Burnett K, Skinner K, Parker B, Hay T.

Developing a Consistent Rating Tool for Knowledge Uptake + Use.

Performance and Planning Exchange Symposium, Ottawa, ON, May 15-16, 2018.

Skinner K, Montague S, Bhawra J.

Piloting an intergenerational digital storytelling program with Indigenous Elders and youth.

Canadian Association on Gerontology, Winnipeg, October 19-21, 2017. (poster)

Betkus G, Hausknecht S, Freeman S, Martin J, Kaufman D, Skinner K, Shafenacker N, Duris J, Adam K.

The Nak’azdli Lha’hutit’en Project: Promoting intergenerational relationships and supporting meaningful engagement of elders through digital storytelling in a First Nations community in Northern British Columbia.

Canadian Association on Gerontology, Winnipeg, October 19-21, 2017. (oral)

Freeman S, Kaufman D, Skinner K, Hausknecht S, Duris J, Shafenacker N.

Reflections on an intergenerational digital storytelling program in a First Nations community in northern British Columbia.

AGEWELL Conference, Winnipeg, October 17-19, 2017. (poster)

Betkus G, Hausknecht S, Freeman S, Martin J, Kaufman D, Skinner K, Shafenacker N, Duris J, Adam K.

Contaminant and Nutrient Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories, Canada: Shedding Light on the Risks and Benefits of Food Choices.

International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health, Naples, Italy, October 1-4, 2017. (seminar)

Laird B, Swanson H, Skinner K.

Literature Review of School Gardens in Public Schools in Canada.

Children’s Health and Environment Workshop and Symposium, London, ON, June 26-28, 2017. (poster)

Alhaan F, Skinner K.

Intergenerational Perspectives on Indigenous Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming Relationships with the Land and Community.

Native American Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 22-24, 2017. (panel)

Neufeld H, Cidro J, Martens T, Skinner K (Chair).

An Exploration of Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight Discourses within Aboriginal Populations.

Aboriginal Health Symposium, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Medicine, St. John’s, NL, June 21, 2017. (oral)

Cameron E, Skinner K, Mushquash C, Mushquash A.

Food Quality in the Canadian North: A discussion of retail food quality issues from posts on the Feeding My Family Facebook group.

Canadian Association of Food Studies/CONGRESS, Toronto, ON. May 27-30, 2017. (oral)

Skinner K, Pratley E, Burnett K.

Role of Community Gardens and Greenhouse Projects for Health Outcomes of Aboriginal Populations.

Department of Public Health Manipal University, Maastricht University, The Netherlands & McMaster University, Canada, Global Health Symposium 2017, Manipal, India. April 22, 2017. (oral)

Evans R, Skinner K.

Food safety and its connection foodborne and waterborne illness in the Canadian Indigenous population: A scoping review.

Graduate Student Research & Practice Day, University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health. November 25, 2016. (poster)

Jung JKH, Skinner K.

The Paying for Nutrition in Northern Canada Project: Reflections on Lack of Available Data for Calculating the Cost of Living in Communities in the Provincial North.

PROOF: Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada Conference, Toronto, ON. November 17-18, 2016. (oral)

Skinner K, Burnett K, Williams P, Martin D.

The Paying for Nutrition in Northern Canada project.

Northern Food Systems Session. The XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, Toronto, ON. August 10-14, 2016. (oral paper)

Skinner K, Burnett K.

Eating in the City: A Review of Food Insecurity and Indigenous People Living in Urban Spaces in Canada, the United States, and Australia.

Canadian Association of Food Studies/Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society/Association for the Study of Food and Society, Toronto, ON. June 22-26, 2016. (oral pecha kucha)

Skinner K, Pratley E, Burnett K.

Food Insecurity, Northern First Nations, and the North West Company: Assessing Retail Environments in the Provincial Norths.

Canadian Association of Food Studies/Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society/Association for the Study of Food and Society, Toronto, ON. June 22-26, 2016. (oral pecha kucha)

Skinner K, Burnett K.

An Exploration of Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight Discourses within Aboriginal Populations: What does existing research tell us?

Canadian Association of Food Studies/Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society/Association for the Study of Food and Society, Toronto, ON. June 22-26, 2016. (oral pecha kucha)

Skinner K, Cameron E, Mushquash C, Mushquash A.

 Northern and Rural Food Systems in Indigenous Communities in Canada.

Panel Session. Chair: T Delormier. Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Honolulu, HI. May 18-21, 2016. (panel)

Skinner K, Burnett K, Schroeter A, Chambers L, Neufeld H, Cidro J, Martens T.

Sugar Content of Children’s Beverages Available in New Zealand Supermarkets.

Eating Disorders and Obesity Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. May 17-18, 2016. (poster)

Chepulis L, Skinner K.

Historicizing Canadian Food Studies: Policy Formation, Knowledge Production, and Nutrition Education since the Second World War.

Canadian Association of Food Studies/CONGRESS, Ottawa, ON. May 30-June 2, 2015. (thematic paper session)

Burnett K, Walters K, Hay T, Skinner K. (Chair)

Government and Corporate Practices and the Experience of Purchasing Food in Northern Canada.

Canadian Association of Food Studies/CONGRESS, Ottawa, ON. May 30-June 2, 2015. (oral pecha kucha)

Skinner K, Burnett K, LeBlanc J, Chambers L.

Retail Food Environment Experiences and Purchasing Patterns in Northern Canada.

Food Environments in Canada: Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, SK. May 2015. (poster)

Skinner K, Burnett K, LeBlanc J, Chambers L.

Food Environments in the City: A Review of the Literature on Food Insecurity and Indigenous People Living in Urban Spaces.

Food Environments in Canada: Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, SK. May 2015. (poster)

Skinner K, Pratley E & Burnett K.

Eating in the City: A Review of the Literature on Food Insecurity and Indigenous People Living in Urban Spaces.

10th Annual Showcase of Health Research, Thunder Bay, ON. February 2015. (poster)

Skinner K, Pratley E & Burnett K.

Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Food Insecurity: The Need for Action-Oriented Research.

Food Secure Canada’s 8th National Assembly, Halifax, NS. November 2014. (workshop)

Skinner K, LeBlanc J, Fletcher J & Burnett K.

The Diets of School-Aged Aboriginal Youth in Canada: A Review of the Literature.

4th Canadian Obesity Student Meeting, Canadian Obesity Network, Waterloo, ON. June 2014. (poster)

Gates A, Skinner K & Gates M.

Towards Better Understanding and Measurement of Food Security in First Nations Households in Canada.

Northern Health Research Conference/ Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Sioux Lookout, ON. June 2014. (poster)

Skinner K.

New Perspectives on Nourishing Communities.

Canadian Association for Food Studies Conference, St. Catherines, ON. May 2014. (pecha kucha)

Stroink M, Skinner K & Nelson C.

Case Study of a Community Greenhouse in a Remote, Sub-arctic Community in Northern Ontario.

Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Annual Conference, Thunder Bay, ON. October 2013. (poster)

Skinner K, Metatawabin J.

Local Food System Initiatives: A Key to Building Sustainable and Resilient Northern Rural Communities.

Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Annual Conference, Thunder Bay, ON. October 2013. (oral panel)

Nelson C, Stroink M, Nelson E, Skinner K.

 Case Study of the Context and Implementation of a Greenhouse in a Remote, Sub-arctic First Nations Community in Ontario, Canada.

Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. June 2013. (poster) (2ND PLACE POSTER AWARD)

Skinner K.

 Collaborative Community-based Initiatives to Promote Healthy Eating and Healthy Weights for First Nations Youth in Northern Ontario, Canada.

PICDIP Annual Meeting, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. November 2012. (poster)

Gates A, Gates M, Skinner K, Hanning RM & Tsuji LJS

Non-Refereed Presentations at Academic Conferences/Meetings/Workshops


NWT Food Systems Research.

Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, UNESCO Chair Webinar, April 21, 2020. (virtual webinar)

Spring A, Skinner K, MacLeod N, Johnston C.


Water Knowledge Camps: Building Capacity for Cross-Cultural Water Knowledge, Research, and Environmental Monitoring.

Sahtu Research Meeting, Sahtu Renewable Resources Board, Tulita, NWT, December 11, 2019. (poster)

Dimock C. (PI and Co-I Team and Collaborators: Andrew L, Baltzer J, Simmons D, Jensen K, Skinner K, Spring A, Laird B, Gray D, Turetsky M, Rudolph D, Harris H, Bayha G, McDonald R, Yakeleya G)

Country Foods for Good Health: Developing a country food database for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop 2019, Whitehorse, YT, October 8-10, 2019. (poster and speed talk)

Ostertag S, Laird B, Skinner K, Ratelle M, Stark K, Losetto L, Gallagher C, Dunmall K, Lea E, Kutz S, Jenkins E, Torng A.

Human Biomonitoring Research in Old Crow, YT.

Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop 2019, Whitehorse, YT, October 8-10, 2019. (poster and speed talk)

Drysdale M, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Leger V, Gamberg M, Boyd A, Furgal C, Laird B.

Food Security and Risk Communication in Northern Canada.

EcoHealth Interdisciplinary Training Workshop for UW (SPHHS and Biology) and Trent U Students, Waterloo, ON, May 7-8, 2019. (oral presentation + group activity)

Skinner K.

FIShNET: Healthy Water, Healthy Fish, Healthy People.

Global Water Futures Science Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, May 14-17, 2019. (poster)

Skinner K, Phillipps B, Ratelle M, Laird B, Cheechoo V, Swanson H.

Health and Risk Communication of Contaminants in the Dehcho and Sahtú Regions of the Northwest Territories, Canada.

Global Water Futures Science Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, May 14-17, 2019. (poster)

Skinner K, Ratelle M, Brandow D, Laird B.

Climate Change and Food Security in the NWT.

CIHR-FLEdGE Meeting and Workshop, Waterloo, ON, March 25-26, 2019. (oral)

Skinner K, Spring A, Wesche S.

Northern Water Futures.

Global Water Futures Operations Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, January 21-23, 2019. (poster)

Baltzer J, Marsh P, Swanson H, Turetsky M, Rudolph D, Spence C, Laird B, MacLatchy D, Hayashi M, English M, Venkiteswaran J, Hall R, Blay-Palmer A, Derksen C, Schiff S, McKenzie J, Quinton B, Sonnentag O, Skinner K, Craig J, Gray D, Wolfe B.


Indigenous community-based monitoring of food security in a changing climate: Global trends and future directions.

Guelph Student Research Symposium, Guelph, June 22, 2018. (poster)

Lam S, Dodd W, Skinner K, Papadopoulos A,  Zivot C, IHACC Research Team, Harper S.

Internal and External Exposure Analysis of Mercury Amongst the Dene and Métis Communities of the Northwest Territories.

Global Water Futures Inaugural Annual Science Meeting, Hamilton and Ohsweken, June 4-6, 2018. (poster)

Fung L, Chaurasia A, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Swanson H, Laird B.

Country Food Contaminant Advisories: Assessing Awareness and Preferences of Health and Risk Communication Messages in the Sahtú Region, NWT.

Global Water Futures Inaugural Annual Science Meeting, Hamilton and Ohsweken, June 4-6, 2018. (poster)

Brandow D, Skinner K, Laird B.


Cooking up a Case Study: The Kitchener Chapter of Food Not Bombs.

HLTH 432B Poster Session, School of Public Health and Health Systems, Waterloo, ON. March 2017. (poster)

Gormley S, Skinner K.

Cooking up a Case Study: The Kitchener Chapter of Food Not Bombs.

HLTH 432A Poster Session, School of Public Health and Health Systems, Waterloo, ON. November 2017. (poster)

Gormley S, Skinner K.


The Experience of Purchasing Food at Retailers in Northern Canada.

CIHR Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes New Investigator Meeting, Kelowna, BC.  February 2016. (poster)

Skinner K, Burnett K.


The Experience of Purchasing Food at Retailers in Northern Canada.

Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition, Research & Innovation Week, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON. March 2015. (poster)

Skinner K, Burnett K.


Towards Better Understanding and Measurement of Food Security in First Nations Households in Canada.

Indigenous Health & Well-Being Initiative Summer Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. June 2014. (poster)

Skinner K.

The Implementation of a Community Greenhouse in a Remote, Sub-arctic First Nations Community in Ontario, Canada: a Descriptive Case Study.

Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition, Research & Innovation Week, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON. March 2014. (poster) (BEST POSTER AWARD)

Skinner K.

Invited Presentations/Panels


Nutrition, food security, health and aging within northern Canada.

Kitimat Valley Housing Society Dementia Workshop, Kitimat, BC, March 14 & 15, 2023.

Skinner K.

Defining and Measuring Remoteness.

PHAC NNC Guideline Panel Meeting, Ottawa, February 21,2023.

Skinner K.

Healthy environments for food security and climate change in northern Canada: case studies of food system initiatives within the Northwest Territories.

National Collaborating Center for Environmental Health (NCCEH), Healthy Built Environment (HBE) Forum Webinar Series, January 19, 2023. (oral – online – registrants: 557; attendees: 354)

Skinner K.


Country Foods in Community Programming. Strengthening the Northern Food Sector through Innovation Session.

ArcticNet Conference, Toronto, December 6, 2022. (oral)

Skinner K, Wolki C.

Healthy Environments for Climate Change and Food Security in Northern Canada.

National Collaborating Center for Environmental Health (NCCEH) Advisory Board, Toronto, October 14, 2022. (oral)

Skinner K.

Climate Change, Water and Food Security in Northern Canada.

Climate Change and Water Security in Urbanized Watersheds: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. International Water Institute and Interdisciplinary Center on Climate Change Summer School 2022, University of Waterloo, ON, June 15, 2022. (oral)

Skinner K.

Building Respectful Research Relationships with Indigenous Communities.

Office of Research Webinar, University of Waterloo, June 9 2022. (panel)

Skinner K, Van Katwyk T.

Northern Food Systems, Food Security, and Climate Change.

Parliamentary Health Research Caucus Game Changers in Health Research and Health Innovation Luncheon by Research Canada, Ottawa, June 8 2022. (researcher panel; nominated by UW; selected by Research Canada as 1 of 3 presenters) (oral)

Skinner K.

Experiences of Remoteness.

National Assembly of Remote Communities (NARC) Remoteness Symposium, Saskatoon, May 31-June 2 2022. (panel)

Skinner K.

Social Identity in Human Research: Navigating this dynamic from the researcher, participant/subject and administrator perspectives.

Raising the Volume on Research Ethics: CAREB-ACCER 2022 Virtual Conference, April 22, 2022.

Skinner K, Marshall L-J, Tetui M, Adair W, Reid R. (KEYNOTE PANEL DISCUSSION) 

Country Food in Community Programming: Inuvialuit Food Systems Research.

Virtual Catalyst Workshop, Northern Food Innovation C (NFIC), April 12, 2022. (oral)

Skinner K, Ostertag S, Wesche S, Kenny T-A, Wolki C.

The contribution of OCAP®, ethical principles, and FNIGC data towards Indigenous data sovereignty for the NT.

Hotii Ts’eeda Webinar – Health Data and NT, March 3, 2022. (oral)

Skinner K.


Community-Based Northern Health Research and Evaluation Practice.

UNBC School of Nursing Research and Scholarship Group, December 16, 2021. (oral)

Skinner K.

Traditional food consumption in the Sahtú and Dehcho regions, NWT.

 Northern Water Futures Fall 2021 Virtual Webinar Series, December 8, 2021. (oral)

Skinner K.

Country Foods for Good Health: Bridging local and territorial priorities to support healthy diets in Inuit Nunangat.

Northern Contaminants Program Scientific Meeting, October 19-21, 2021. (oral)

Ostertag S, Skinner K, Laird B.

Sun Safety Project: Determining need for skin cancer prevention in Indigenous communities in Canada.

BC Sun Safety Coalition Meeting, October 18, 2021. (oral)

Skinner K, Peach L.

Transforming the COPD Care Model in Fort St. James: Results from an Evaluation Project.

Presentation to the Northern Health Authority, British Columbia. July 2021. (oral)

Peach L*, Freeman S, Skinner K, Meyer A, Marchal K, Ross C.

C4FS: Community Capacity for Climate Change and Food Security Action in the NWT.

Virtual presentation to the Paulatuk Community Corporation and Paulatuk Hunters and Trappers Corporation, Paulatuk, NWT, June 30, 2021.

Wolki C, Wesche S, Ostertag S, Kenny T-A, Skinner K, Dedyukina L*, Ramirez M*, MacLean J.

Final Evaluation Report: Walking School Bus Program in Waterloo Region.

Presented to the Canadian Cancer Society, June 24, 2021. (oral)

Skinner K.

Water and Food Security in Indigenous Communities. Climate Change and Water Security in Urbanized Watersheds: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.

International Water Institute and Interdisciplinary Center on Climate Change Summer School 2021, University of Waterloo, ON, June 17, 2021. (oral)

Skinner K.


C4FS: Community Capacity for Climate Change and Food Security in the NWT.

Virtual presentation to the Tuktoyaktuk Community Corporation, Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, September 24, 2020.

Wesche S, Kenny T-A, Mathieu K*, Ostertag S, Gyapay J*, Skinner K, Dedyukina L*.

Promoting Self-Determination around Local Food Systems: The C4FS Project.

Online Tipi Breakout Session with Knowledge Holders Billie Lennie and Morris Neyelle with facilitators Jullian MacLean and Stephanie Irlbacher-Fox. Hotıì ts’eeda Katimaqatigiit- Nihkhah Łatr’iljil, Inuvik, NWT, September 29-October 2, 2020.

Skinner K.

Learning from Land-Based Practices and Climate Change Adaptation for More Sustainable Food Systems in Northern Canada.

Ideas to Shape the Future: Fighting Climate Change. Panel of 7 Speakers with 7 Minutes. The MUSEUM, Kitchener, ON, February 5, 2020.

Skinner K.

Return of the Results: Contaminant Biomonitoring in Old Crow.

Community presentation, Old Crow, YT, January 2020.

Drysdale M, Gamberg M, Laird B, Williams M, Josie W, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Furgal C, Boyd A.


The C4FS Team Project in the Sahtu.

Sahtu Research Meeting, Sahtu Renewable Resources Board, Tulita, NWT, December 11, 2019.

Skinner K.

FIShNET (Fish and IndigenouS NorthErn HealTh): Healthy Water, Healthy Fish, Healthy People.

Global Water Futures Operations Meeting, Hamilton, ON, November 19, 2019.

Skinner K, Paradis M, Cheechoo V, Laird B, Swanson H, Ratelle M.

Development, Use and Evaluation of a Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool (KUUT).

Knowledge Translation Exchange (KTX) Research Rounds, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, November 4, 2019.

Skinner K.

The Challenges of Accessing Personal Identification in Northwestern Ontario.

Keynote Address presented to Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic Annual General Meeting. Thunder Bay, ON, October 26, 2019.

Burnett, K, Sanders, C, Skinner, K.

Contaminant Biomonitoring and Risk Perception in the Northwest Territories and Yukon.

Northern Contaminants Program Results Workshop 2019, Whitehorse, YT, October 8, 2019.

Ratelle M, Gamberg M, Williams M, Drysdale M, Furgal C, Boyd A, Skinner K, Swanson H, Laird B.

Water and Food Security in Indigenous Communities.

Climate Change and Water Security in Urbanized Watersheds: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. International Water Institute Summer School, University of Waterloo, ON, June 12, 2019.

Skinner K.

Health2Work: Overview of the Evaluation.

Presented to the ADM and Ministry of Community and Social Services. May 27, 2019.

Pratley E, Skinner K, Phillips P, Nash J, Brown A, Mank P, Sully E, Harrington M, Ingrao T.

Climate change and food security.

Hotii Ts’eeda Ełèts’ehdèe Gathering. Yellowknife, NWT, May 23, 2019. (Tipi breakout session)

Skinner K, Wesche S, MacLean J, Zoe JB.

Restoring Power in Research.

Hotii Ts’eeda Ełèts’ehdèe Gathering. Yellowknife, NWT, May 23, 2019. (Panel presentation.)

Skinner K, Zoe JB, Shankardass K, Liske E, Jacobsen P, Koadlak J.

FIShNET (Fish and IndigenouS NorthErn HealTh): Healthy Water, Healthy Fish, Healthy People.

Global Water Futures Operations Meeting, Saskatoon, SK, January 23, 2019.

Skinner K, Laird B, Swanson H, Sutherland V, Cheechoo V, Ratelle M, Wallace J.


Experience as an ECR Observer for CIHR Project Grant – Indigenous Health Research Committee.

Infosession: Strategies for Success – CIHR Project Grant. Panel with Colleen Maxwell, David Rose, and Tom Willett. Office of Research, University of Waterloo, December 5, 2018.

Skinner K.

Return of the Results in Tulita. Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley.

Community presentation, Tulita, NWT, November 19, 2018.

Laird B, Ratelle M, Skinner K.

Co-Located Environmental Health Surveillance in the Northwest Territories, Canada: Partnering Public Health Biology and Ecological Research.

International Society of Exposure Science-International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE) Joint Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, August 26-30, 2018.

Swanson H, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird BD.

Nutrition and Food Security.

First Nations Regional Health Survey National Data Release Conference, Ottawa, ON, March 13-14, 2018.

Skinner K, Levi E.

Return of the Results in Deline. Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley.

Community presentation, Deline, NWT, February 5, 2018.

Laird B, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Brandow D.

Assessing Food Insecurity among Lakehead University Food Bank Users.

Public Presentation, Food Security Roundtable, Thunder Bay, ON, January 25, 2018.

Parker B, Burnett K, Skinner K, Cottrell E, Pullia V.


Evaluation Knowledge Translation.

Canadian Evaluation Society – National Capital Chapter (CES-NCC)/Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX), Ottawa, ON, December 12, 2017.

Skinner K, Montague S, Steinberg M, Viehbeck S.

The Paying for Nutrition Project: Dialogues between Academics, Organizations, Community, and the Public.

CRaNHR Speaker Series, Thunder Bay, ON, October 6, 2017.

Skinner K, Burnett K.

The Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool.

Building Capacity in Performance Measurement and Evaluation Learning Series. Results, Rubrics, and Rating Tools for Measuring Complex Areas Session, Ottawa, ON, October 6, 2017.

Montague S, Skinner K.

Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool.

Research Impact Evaluation Forum of the National Alliance of Provincial Health Research Organizations and Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Halifax, NS, September 30, 2017.

Skinner K, Montague S.

Fostering Intergenerational Relationships and Supporting Meaningful Engagement of Elders through Digital Storytelling: Findings from The Nak’azdli Lha’hutit’en Project.

AGE-WELL Webinar Series, June 27, 2017.

Martin J, Freeman S, Nash C, Hausknecht S, Schafenacker N, Skinner K.

Evaluation Practice and Community-Based Research on Food Systems in Northern Canada.

Presentation for the Health Research Institute at the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, April 28, 2017.

Skinner K.

Why Create a Culture of Evaluation?

Panel Presentation to grantees at a Local Poverty Reduction Fund – Trillium meeting, Toronto, March 22, 2017.

Skinner K, Taylor A, Sridharan S.

Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley: Investigating the Links between Contaminant Exposure, Nutritional Status, and Country Food Use: Terminology Workshop.

Presented to communities in the NWT as an introduction to the Terminology Workshop, Northwest Territories, February 2017.

Brandow D, Skinner K, Laird B, Ratelle M, Laird M, Simmons D.


Faculty Perspectives on the Hiring Process.

Social/Health Sciences + Humanities Faculty Career Panel for the Academic Career Conference. Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, October 21, 2016.

Skinner K, Morrison A, Cooke M.

Master of Health Evaluation Orientation Session.

Presented to the incoming MHE students. September 7, 2016.

Skinner K.

A Community History of Colonialism, Health Care and First Nations in Northwestern Ontario: From the Sioux Lookout Indian Hospital to the Meno Ya Win Health Centre.

Oral presentation and discussion to the Chief and Council of Lac Seul First Nation, Kejick Bay, September 29, 2016.

Parker B, Skinner K, Burnett K, Schroeter A.


Process Evaluation Overview.

Waterloo’s 2015 Collaborative Learning Institute in Health Evaluation. Propel Centre for Population Health Impact, Waterloo, October 28, 2015.

Moore G, Skinner K, Lillecott H, Evans R.

The State of Food Insecurity and Food Security Initiatives in Northwestern Ontario.

Oral presentation to the Registered Dietitians and the staff of Prevention and Screening Services at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, August 13, 2015.

Skinner K, Burnett K.

Food Environments in Northern Canada.

Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel with: Y Kestens, J Black, G Veeraraghavan. Food Environments Research Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, May 22, 2015.

Skinner K.

The State of Food Insecurity in Northern Ontario.

Oral presentation to Staff at the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre, Sioux Lookout, May 8, 2015.

Burnett K, Skinner K.

The State of Food Insecurity in Northern Ontario.

Oral presentation to Physicians at the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre, Monthly Grand Rounds, Sioux Lookout, May 7, 2015.

Burnett K, Skinner K.

Refining a Scaling Up Strategy for Local Sustainable Nourishment in Indigenous School Communities.

Poster presented at the CIHR Pathways Component 2 Meeting, Ottawa, March 23-25, 2015.

Hanning R, Corbett K, Dean J, Graham S, McKenna M, Riley B, Scott S, Skinner K, Vine M, Willis C, Yessis J.

Food Forum: Politics, Universities and the Food Movement.

Panel Discussion, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, March 12, 2015.

Bronson D, Burnett K, Skinner K, Parker B, Arts A, McKay R.

Development of the Thunder Bay Community Food Security Report Card. 

Oral presentation to the Thunder Bay Food Strategy Steering Committee, Thunder Bay, March 12, 2015.

Skinner K.

Food Hubs: Changing the Way We Do Local Food.

Plenary with Facilitated Discussions by Panelists, Local Organic Food Co-ops Network 6th Annual Assembly, Guelph, February 24, 2015.

Miller S, Renglich H, Skinner K, Belinsky D, Baillie P, Pastorius J.


Encountering Ebola: In Search of an Ethics of Responsibility, Solidarity, and Global Citizenship.

Roundtable Panel Discussion, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, November 25, 2014.

Wai Z, Jobbitt R, Burnett K, Jobbitt S, Skinner K.


Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing: Food Innovation for Northwestern Ontario.

Oral presentation to the Regional Advisory Committee of the Food Security Research Network, Thunder Bay, November 26, 2013.

Skinner K.

Crowdfunding: Fundraising Possibilities to Develop the Cloverbelt Local Food Co-op’s Online Farmer’s Market.

Oral presentation for the Cloverbelt Local Food Co-op Advisory Board, Dryden, September 13, 2013.

Skinner K.


Food Security in Fort Albany, Ontario: Prevalence, Perceptions, Coping Strategies, and Community-based Initiatives.

Oral presentation at the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Food Research Summit, Thunder Bay, August 29, 2012.

Skinner K.

Hunger and the Right to Food: Reflections of the UN Special Rapporteur and Food Insecurity in First Nations Communities.

Oral presentation at the Waterloo Region Food System Roundtable Meeting, Waterloo, May 30, 2012.

Skinner K.