
Country Foods for Good Health in the ISR.

Beluga Bulletin. pp. 11-12. January 2022. 

Ostertag S, Skinner K, Laird B. 

Food Insecurity in the North. Health in 3D: Faculty of Health Research Impact Report. 

Faculty of Health, University of Waterloo. 2022. 

Improving public health in Canadian Indigenous communities: Understanding the consumption of water.

WaterResearch Newsletter, University of Waterloo – Water Institute, Issue 13. 2022. 

Skinner K, Laird B, Ratelle M.

Farmers’ markets foster relationships with shoppers that can survive a crisis, Waterloo study finds.

CBC News – Kitchener-Waterloo. May 23, 2021. 

Pavia J, Bueckert K.

YK farmers’ market, with 30-plus vendors, will stay in-person. 

Cabin Radio, Yellowknife. April 26, 2021. 

Online farmers’ markets valuable when crisis events like COVID occur, study finds.

Faculty of Health, University of Waterloo. April 19, 2021. 

Knowledge Uptake and Use: An Emerging Key Measurement for Our Time. 

Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) Partner Event webinar. November 25, 2020. 

Montague S, Skinner K, Bhawra J, Shepherd M.

Study protocol for the validation and redevelopment of the Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool.

American Evaluation Association AEA365 Blog: A Tip-A-Day By and For Evaluators.  March 3, 2020.

Skinner K, Shankar S.

Seven profs confront climate change at THE MUSEUM in Kitchener.

Spoke Online. February 20, 2020.

Burney C.

In Ontario, birth certificates aren’t a natural birthright – and that fact hits the North the hardest.

Opinion: Globe & Mail. December 21, 2019.

Thomas C & Speiss F.

Development and evaluation of a consistent rating tool for knowledge uptake and use: The Knowledge Uptake and Utilization Tool (KUUT).

American Evaluation Association AEA365 Blog: A Tip-A-Day By and For Evaluators. October 30, 2019.

Skinner K, Bhawra J.

Using Data for Food Environment Mapping for Indigenous communities and Populations.

Scoping Review Team – Luongo, Skinner, Phillipps, Yu, Martin, Mah. September 30, 2019.

Kogan D, Luongo G, Mah C.

FLEdGE Researchers Host Partners to Prepare a CIHR Climate Change and Food Security in the North Proposal.

FLEdGE (Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged) Research Highlights. June 27, 2019.

Spring A & Skinner K.

Lack of personal identification ‘serious problem across the north’ says Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic director of administration.

Anishinabek News. June 20, 2019.

Interview with Chris Sanders: Personal Identification Research.

CBC Superior Morning with Lisa Laco. May 27, 2019.

Lakehead University researchers study lack of personal ID on First Nations.

TB Newswatch. May 24, 2019.

Lakehead University is receiving more than $360,000 from New Frontiers in Research fund.

Lakehead University News & Events. May 23, 2019.

Learning from and enhancing community capacity for climate change and food security (C4FS) action in the NWT.

Handout for the Tipi Session at Hotii Ts’eeda Ełèts’ehdèe Gathering. Yellowknife, NWT. Pp.2.

Spring A, Skinner K, Wesche S, MacLean J. May 23, 2019.

Professor Kelly Skinner on why she teaches and researches northern food systems: #ahsmywhy.

AHS Instagram Campaign. April 8, 2019.

Waterloo Researchers Work with Indigenous Partners to Determine How Safe The Fish in Their Communities Are to Eat.

Water Institute News, University of Waterloo. January 28, 2019.

 Myths of Online Learning.

Online instructors highlighted.

UWaterloo Centre for Extended Learning. November 27, 2018.

Botulism in the NWT.

CBC North Radio – Yellowknife. Interview on August 3, 2017; Aired August 4, 2017.

Battling Botulism: Care Urged While Preparing Traditional Arctic Foods.

Interview with Kelly Skinner and James Jung for Arctic Deeply online digital media.

Ryder K. July 27, 2017.

Perceptions of Food Insecurity and Coping Strategies of First Nations People Living in an On-Reserve Remote Community.

CFDR 25th Year Anniversary Report.

Skinner K. October 2016.

A Collection of 12 Traditional Recipes: Baked Walleye; Bannock; Birch Syrup Beans; Char Antipasto; Corn Soup; Fish Cakes; Honey Garlic Moose; Jerky; Redberry Relish; Saskatoon Pudding; Three Sisters Soup; Wild Rice Casserole with a Kick.

Aboriginal Nutrition Network, Dietitians of Canada and the Traditional Recipes Working Group (Murray E, Hajto S, Skinner K, Neufeld H, Garrett A, Andrews L, Lacroix A.) September 2016.

Stop excluding the provincial north from Canada’s food insecurity crisis.

Upstream blog.

Skinner K. March 17, 2016.

Food Security Off the Table in Election.

Winnipeg Free Press.

Kassi N, Sheedy A, Papatsie L, Milne J, Burnett K, Wesche S, Skinner K, LeBlanc J, Fillion M. September 24, 2015.  (note: only first two names were published due to newspaper restrictions)

The Right to Food: Making Food Affordable and Accessible in Northern Canada.

Food Secure Canada, Election Brief.

Burnett K, Skinner K, Wesche S, Fillion M, Kenny T*, Sheedy A. 2015.

Future food system research priorities: A sustainable food systems perspective from Ontario, Canada.

Urban Agriculture Magazine, Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture & Food Security (RUAF) Foundation, no 29, pages 35-37.

Blay-Palmer A, Knezevic I, Andree P, Balamingie P, Landman K, Mount P, Nelson C, Nelson E, Stahlbrand L, Stroink M, Skinner K. 2015.

Lakehead University Retail Survey to Help Communities in Northern Canada.

Interview with James Murray, Kelly Skinner and Kristin Burnett.

NetNewsLedger. November 22, 2014.

Upcoming Research Project: Perspectives on Revitalizing and Supporting Sustainable Food Systems and Improving Food Security from Three Remote First Nations Communities in Northern Ontario.

Canadian Association for Food Studies Newsletter, Issue 14, page 13.

Skinner K. Summer 2013.

Dietary Intake of Youth in Remote First Nations Communities: Challenges and Opportunities.

FNIH Research Newsletter, Health Canada, Volume 3, Issue 1.

Skinner K. March 2011.

Fort Albany Fights for Increased Food Security.

Wawatay News, Volume 38, number 4.

Skinner K. February 17, 2011.

Aboriginal Health Research.

Student editorial: CPHA Digest, Volume XXXIII, number 2, page 7,9.

Skinner K. Summer 2009.

Snack Program Delivers the Goods.

Wawatay News, Volume 36, number 9, page A14.

Skinner K. April 30, 2009.

Burden of Chronic Diseases and CPHA 2008 Annual Conference (Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 1-4).

Student editorial: CPHA Digest, Volume XXXII, number 1, page 7.

Alamian A & Skinner K. Spring 2008.

A School –Based Web Survey to Assess Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviours Among First Nation Youth.

National Aboriginal Diabetes Association Newsletter, page 17.

Skinner K & Hanning R. March 2008.

5 to 10 a Day – The Healthy Way: Vegetables and Fruit.

Christian Island Quarterly Newsletter.

Skinner K & Hanning R. May 2005.

Nutritional Health of Aboriginal Infants and Children.

In Touch, Volume 22, Issue 1, pages 1-4.

Skinner K & Hanning R(2005).

Pop: A “Sometimes” Food.

Christian Island Quarterly Newsletter.

Skinner K & Hanning R. October 2004.

Developing a Tool to Measure Knowledge Exchange Outcomes in Chronic Disease Prevention.

PHRED-OPHA Studentship Award.

Skinner KAugust 2004.