

Review of Government Mandates and Programs Relating to Food Retail and Food Systems in Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Communities within Canada – Final Report.

Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Retail, Consumer and Assurance Policy Division. 61 pages.

Peach L*, Skinner K. March 2023.

Evaluation of the Canadian Cancer Society’s SunSense Program 2022-2023.

Report. Prepared for Canadian Cancer Society. 25 pages.

Sousa S*, Skinner K. March 2023.

Review of Government Mandates and Programs Relating to Food Retail and Food Systems in Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Communities within Canada DRAFT Report.

Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 13 pages.

Peach L*, Skinner K. January 2023.

 Health2Work Final Report

Prepared for the Ontario Chiropractic Association and H2W Steering Committee. 87 pages.

Brown A, Skinner K. August 2022.

First Nations Labour and Employment Development Survey (FNLED) 2019-2020, Northwest Territories.

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories: Dene Nation. 96 pages.

Dene Nation (Authors: Skinner K, Buchan C*, Butler A*, Doggett A*, Romano I*, Catholique S, Olson C). June 2022.

FIShNET (Fish & IndigenouS NorthErn healTh): Healthy Water, Healthy Fish, Healthy People. Contaminants in Environmental Samples.

University of Waterloo, Ontario (Canada). 30 pages.

Tavakoli C*, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird B, Litvinov A, Swanson H. May 2022.

Human lead exposure sources in Arctic and subarctic regions – Systematic Literature Review. Preliminary study: Investigating Lead Exposure in Northern Canada and the Sahtú region, NWT.

University of Waterloo, Ontario (Canada). 166 pages.

Stalwick J, Ratelle M, Gurney K, Drysdale M*, Lazarescu C*, Laird B, Comte J, Skinner K. March 2022.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Continuing Professional Development Activities: Redesign and validation of the knowledge uptake and utilization tool (KUUT) – 12 Month Report.

Prepared for the Sunnybrook Education Research Unit. 5 pages.

Campbell M, Sousa S*, Skinner K. (February 2022).

Skin Cancer and Sun Safety with Indigenous Communities Update.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 19 pages.

Peach L*, Skinner K. December 2021.

Final Evaluation Report: Walking School Bus Program in Waterloo Region.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 25 pages.

Skinner K, Peach L. (ReSpark Partnership). June 2021.

Walking School Bus Evaluation Update.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 5 pages.

Skinner K, Peach L. (ReSpark Partnership). April 2021.

Results Report on Dietary Intake and Dietary Transition in the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories.

University of Waterloo, Waterloo (ON). 30 pages.

Ratelle M, Hanning R, Laird B, Skinner K. February 2021.

Evaluation of a Meat Processing Trailer and a Country Food Training Course in Deline, NT.

Prepared to the Deline Gotine Government, NT. 54 pages.

Judge C*, Skinner K, Spring A. 2021.

Report: Estimating the Impact of Freshwater Fish Harvest Location on Mercury Exposures in Dene Communities of the Northwest Territories.

University of Waterloo. 24 pages.

Judge C*, Skinner K, Spring A. 2021.

Final Evaluation Update Report for the Saakihitiwaac Tipenchikaywin Project.

Prepared for the Keewatin Patricia District School Board and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. 15 pages.

Skinner K, Pratley E, Peach L. October 2020.

Walking School Bus Evaluation Update Report #4.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 4 pages.

Skinner K, Pratley E (ReSpark Partnership). September 2020.

Food Security and Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change: From Assessment to Improvement in the Sahtú Region, NWT- Food Security Survey Results.

Sahtú Renewable Resources Board. June 2020.

Phillips B, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Laird B, Andrew L, Yakeleya J, Jensen K, Simmons D.

Report for the Water Knowledge Camp held at Sahtú Dǝ́ (Great Bear River) at Tek’áı́cho Dǝ́ (Marten River) Tulı́t’a, NT. August 19th-26th, 2019. Water Knowledge Camps: Building Capacity for Cross-Cultural Water Knowledge, Research, and Environmental Monitoring.

Tulı́t’a, Northwest Territories, Canada. 53 pages. Sahtú Renewable Resources Board 2020.

Dimock C, Skinner K, Ratelle M, Andrew L, Baltzer J, Spring A, Simmons D, Scully L.

Yellowknife Farmers Market Patron Survey Report 2019: August and September Markets.

Prepared for the Yellowknife Farmers Market, NWT. 10 pages. February 2020.

Radcliffe J, Skinner K, Spring A.

Evaluation Update Report #3 for the Awenen Niin Identification Project.

Prepared for the Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. January 2020.

Sanders C, Burnett K, Skinner K.

Walking School Bus Evaluation Update Report #3.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 4 pages. January 2020.

Skinner K, Pratley E (ReSpark Partnership).

First Nations Regional Health Survey Report Phase 3, 2015-2016 Northwest Territories.

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories: Dene Nation. 95 pages. December 2019.

Dene Nation (Authors: Skinner K, Judge C, Tang F, Phillipps B, Catholique S, Kaur R).

Appendix 1: Summary of interviews and questionnaires conducted during the Country Food Processing Training Course in Deline.

In L. Renecker, Country Food Processing Training Deline, NT: Phase 1. Stratford, ON. 25 pages. Submitted August 2019; Published September 2019.

Judge C, Skinner K, Spring A. 

Health2Work: Initial Formative Evaluation Report.

Prepared for the Ontario Chiropractic Association and H2W Steering Committee. 4 pages. July 2019.

Pratley E, Skinner K (ReSpark Partnership).

NWT First Nations Regional Health Survey Report 2015-2016: Youth Summary.

Prepared for the Dene Nation. Yellowknife, NWT. 6 pages. July 2019.

Skinner K, Tang F, Judge C, Kaur R.

Walking School Bus Evaluation Update Report #2.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 3 pages. July 2019.

Skinner K, Pratley E (ReSpark Partnership).

Harvesting Resilience and Cultivating Sustainability: A Study of Northern Food Systems (Summary).

Montreal, Quebec: Food Secure Canada. pp. 15. 2019.

Wilson A, Levkoe CZ, Andree P, Blay-Palmer A, Boulet A, Brockington M, Ferguson R, Galloway T, Martin D, Martorell H, Robidoux M, Skinner K, Spring A, Wesche S.

Evaluation Update Report #3 for the Saakihitiwaac Tipenchikaywin Project.

Prepared for the Keewatin Patricia District School Board and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. 6 pages. March 2019.

Skinner K, Pratley E, Burnett K.

Health2Work: Initial Formative Evaluation Report.

Prepared for the Ontario Chiropractic Association and H2W Steering Committee. 5 pages. January 2019.

Pratley E, Skinner K (ReSpark Partnership).

Results report: Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley: Investigating the Links Between Contaminant Exposure, Nutritional Status, and Country Food Use.

Waterloo, ON: University of Waterloo. 98 pages. January 2019.

Ratelle M, Skinner K, Brandow D, Packull-McCormick S*, Laird, B. 

Walking School Bus Evaluation Update Report #1.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. 4 pages. January 2019.

Skinner K, Pratley E (ReSpark Partnership).

Evaluation Update Report #2 for the Awenen Niin Identification Project.

Prepared for the Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. January 2019.

Burnett K, Sanders C, Skinner K.

Results Report: HEALTH MESSAGES SURVEY. Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley: Investigating the Links Between Contaminant Exposure, Nutritional Status, and Country Food Use.

Waterloo, ON: University of Waterloo. 2018.

Skinner K, Ratelle M, Brandow D, Laird B.

Developing a research agenda for school nutrition policy in Ontario: A planning meeting including key stakeholders from across Canada: A workshop report from November 2 and 3, 2017.

Waterloo, ON: University of Waterloo. November 2018.

Vine M, Leatherdale S, Hanning R, Skinner K, Elliott SJ, Basset-Gunter RL, Laxer RE, Brown K, Butler A, Godin KM, Valaitis R, Patte KA.

Harvesting Resilience and Cultivating Sustainability: A Study of Northern Food Systems.

Prepared for Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. July 2018.

Food Secure Canada (Authors: Wilson A, Levkoe C, Andree P, Blay-Palmer A, Boulet A, Brockington M, Ferguson R, Galloway T, Martin D, Martorell H, Robidoux M, Skinner K, Spring A, Wesche S).

Evaluation Plan Report #1 for the Awenen Niin Identification Project.

Prepared for the Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. May 2018.

Skinner K, Burnett K, Sanders C.

Evaluation Update Report #2 for the Saakihitiwaac Tipenchikaywin Project.

Prepared for the Keewatin Patricia District School Board and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. March 2018.

Skinner K, Burnett K, Pratley E.

Evaluation Plan Report #1 for the Saakihitiwaac Tipenchikaywin Project.

Prepared for the Keewatin Patricia District School Board and the Local Poverty Reduction Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation. June 2017.

Skinner K, Burnett K, Pratley E.

Synopsis Report – Contaminant Biomonitoring in the Northwest Territories: Investigating the Links Between Contaminant Exposure, Nutritional Status, and Country Food Use 2016-2017.

Prepared for the Northern Contaminants Program, Health Canada. March 2017.

Laird B, Ratelle M, Skinner K, Hanning R, Furgal C, Majowicz S, Stark K, Reyes E, Swanson H, Power M, Bouchard M, Boyd A, Low G, Simmons D.

Paying for Nutrition: A Report on Food Costing in the North.

Prepared for Industry Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. September 2016.

Food Secure Canada (written by: Veeraraghavan G, Burnett K, Skinner K, Williams P, Martin D, Jamal A, Ramsay M, Stothart C).

Maamaaw Wiisinidaa: All Together Let’s Eat.

Prepared for the Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre, Sioux Lookout, Ontario. April 2016.

Burnett K, Skinner K, Hay T, Parker B.

Community Food Security/Food System Indicator Project Report Card.

Prepared for the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and the Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy. March 2015.

Skinner K.

Community Food System Indicator Project: Summary of Literature and Potential Options for Indicators.

Prepared for the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and the Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy. January 2015.

Skinner K.

“We go hunting or we ask family for food”: Coping Strategies For and Prevalence of Household Food Insecurity of First Nations People Living in an On-Reserve Remote Community in the Mushkegowuk Territory, Final Report.

Prepared for the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research. October 2011.

Skinner K, Hanning RM, Desjardins E. 

Physical Activity & Obesity Prevention Strategy.

Prepared for the Esteem Team Organization. February 2003.

Hammond D & Skinner K.

Canadian Cancer Society’s Cancer Information Service User Survey 2001.

Prepared for the Management Committee of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cancer Information Service. September 2001.

Filsinger S, Cameron R, Skinner K & Wagg J.

Canadian Cancer Society’s Cancer Information Service Report on Caller Distribution by Postal Code.

Prepared for the Canadian Cancer Society. August 2001.

Filsinger S & Skinner K.



The School Snack and Breakfast Program at Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany, Ontario.

Population Health Research Group, University of Waterloo for Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany First Nation, Ontario. January 2007.

Skinner K.

Report 3: Food Behaviour Survey Results for Grade 6-10 Students at Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany, Ontario.

Population Health Research Group, University of Waterloo for Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany First Nation, Ontario. July 2005.

Hanning RM, Tsuji LJS, Skinner K.

Report 2: Food Behaviour Survey Results for Grade 6-10 Students at Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany, Ontario.

Population Health Research Group, University of Waterloo for Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany First Nation, Ontario. May 2005.

Hanning RM, Tsuji LJS, Skinner K.

Report 1: Food Behaviour Survey Results for Grade 6-10 Students at Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany, Ontario.

Population Health Research Group, University of Waterloo for Peetabeck Academy, Fort Albany First Nation, Ontario. November 2004.

Hanning RM, Tsuji LJS, Skinner K.

Report 2: Food Behaviour Survey Results for Grade 6-8 Students at Christian Island Elementary School, Ontario.

Health Behaviour Research Group, University of Waterloo for Beausoleil First Nation, Christian Island, Ontario. November 2004.

Hanning RM, Skinner K.

Report 1: Food Behaviour Survey Results for Grade 6-8 Students at Christian Island Elementary School, Ontario.

Health Behaviour Research Group, University of Waterloo for Beausoleil First Nation, Christian Island, Ontario. December 2003.

Hanning RM, Skinner K.



International Best Practices in Type 2 Diabetes Prevention:

  • Project Final Report and Appendices
  • Aboriginal Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries
  • African American Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries
  • Community Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries
  • School Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries
  • Women Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries
  • Worksite Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries

Health Behaviour Research Group, University of Waterloo for the Heart Health Resource Centre, Ontario Public Health Association (funded by Health Canada). 2004.

Hanning RM, Manske S, Skinner K, McGrath H, Heipel R.

International Best Practices in Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, (Dissemination Report)

Health Behaviour Research Group, University of Waterloo for the Heart Health Resource Centre, Ontario Public Health Association (funded by Health Canada). 2004.

Skinner K, Manske S.

International Best Practices Promotion and Stroke Prevention:

  • Results of the Literature Review and Scan for the Worksite Channel and Appendices
  • Worksite Channel Summary Report and Project Summaries

Health Behaviour Research Group, University of Waterloo for the Heart Health Resource Centre, Ontario Public Health Association (funded by Ontario Ministry of Health and Longterm Care). 2004.

Hanning RM, Cameron R, Walker R, Royall D, Skinner K, McGrath H & Heipel R.

Best Multi-Risk Factor Practices in the Primary Prevention of Stroke: Results of a Systematic Review of the Literature and Scan of Practices Nominated by Key Informants.

Prepared for the Ontario Heart Health Resource Centre, Ontario Public Health Association. June 2003.

Royall D, Skinner K, May H, Hanning RM.